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Test OSGi Agent on Eclipse Virgo

Eclipse Virgo (http://www.eclipse.org/virgo) is the continuation of the dm Server project and provides an OSGi container as part of the Virgo Web Server or, possibly more relevantly, as part of the Virgo Kernel. Please consider testing the OSGi Agent in Virgo. Please note that Virgo does not provide a HTTP Service out of the box, so you'll either need to install one or use jolokia-osgi-bundle.jar.

Glyn Normington , 31.01.2011, 14:07
Response from the site administrator
jolokia, 31.01.2011
Put on the roadmap for 0.83
Idea status: completed


jolokia, 31.01.2011, 15:14
I will add the newest Eclipse Virgo to my integration test suite and integration test the war as well as the OSGi bundles for the next release (0.83)

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