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Test Jolokia WAR Agent on Eclipse Virgo

The WAR Agent was tested on dm Server 2.0. Eclipse Virgo (http://www.eclipse.org/virgo) is the continuation of the dm Server project. Please consider testing the WAR Agent against Virgo Web Server 2.1.0.

Glyn Normington , 31.01.2011, 14:04
Response from the site administrator
jolokia, 31.01.2011
I will include it for the integration test run for version 0.83
Idea status: completed


Christopher Frost, 31.01.2011, 14:31

I actually tested this already. Just dropped the war in the pickup directory and it deployed and just worked. For example, this url http://localhost:8080/jolokia-war-0.82/search/org.eclipse.virgo.kernel:type=Model,artifact-type=bundle,* will give you a list of all the bundles installed in Virgo, really nice.

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